Sunday, January 24, 2010


i think this a most common issue which is discussed now a days but i have something ne to say regarding this

what is this nation?
what for this nation?

how can we bring up our nation ?

these are the questions which are asked by us always, many of us may have got fed up with such thoughts and think that it is impossible ok i too am one of such gays

but it is not so we can do wonders in the world and always find a strong place in it.
these are some of my points regarding its development

" our temples and religious places are a prime place of visit by our people so let us target them first tax them all as all the money which is earned by these temples are being used by few religious preasts only we can organize them and earn lot of money from it u cant guss the amount it is beyond our thoughts

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

this is the greek monuments